Terrace Par k

Village of Terrace Park residents only, contact the Terrace Park Police Department at 513-831-2137 to schedule a regulated vehicle inspection. The inspection will check for headlights, brakes, brake lights, tail lights, turn signals, steering mechanism, windshield, rear view mirror and tires in good condition.
After a successful vehicle inspection, including showing proof of insurance, you will receive a copy of the TP inspection form and a compliance sticker. The compliance sticker must be displayed on the front windshield.
Take your TP inspection form and your title to the deputy registrar for your state issued license plates.
If your vehicle did not come with a title, you will need to obtain one from the BMV.
After completing the TP inspection process, fill out the APPLICATION FOR CERTIFICATE OF TITLE TO A MOTOR VEHICLE – BMV form 3774. You can find it online or we can provide one at the time of inspection. Take your TP Inspection Form and BMV form 3774 to the BMV title office. Each Name on the Bill of Sale must be on BMV Form 3774 -- APPLICATION FOR CERTIFICATE OF TITLE TO A MOTOR VEHICLE and BOTH signatures must be signed in front of a notary OR both parties can appear at the BMV Title Office to complete the form and notarizing.
The Bill of Sale must have the VIN # of the Golf Cart on there
If your Bill of Sale does not show payment of sale’s tax, you must pay the appropriate taxes before a title will be issued.
Upon installing your license plates on your regulated vehicle you may drive within the village limits on roads with a speed limit of 25 miles per hour, provided you are at least 16 years of age with a valid driver’s license. If you must drive on a road with a posted speed limit of 35 (Wooster Pike), you must exit onto a 25 mph zone at the nearest through street. No regulated vehicle is permitted west of Wrenwood Lane on Wooster Pike.
Regulated Vehicles must be operated in accord with all State of Ohio traffic laws in addition to all applicable sections of the Terrace Park Codified Ordinances.
Ordinance 10-1-2018

Under-speed, Low-speed, and Utility Vehicles
77.01 Definitions.
77.02 Inspection of Under-speed, Low-speed, and Utility Vehicles.
77.03 Usage and restrictions.
77.99 Penalty.
As used in this chapter:
(a) "Under-speed vehicle" is a vehicle as that term is defined under Ohio R.C. 4501.01(XX).
(XX) "Under-speed vehicle" means a three- or four-wheeled vehicle, including a vehicle commonly known as a golf cart, with an attainable speed on a paved level surface of not more than twenty miles per hour and with a gross vehicle weight rating less than three thousand pounds.
(b) "Low-speed vehicle" is a vehicle as that term is defined under Ohio R.C. 4501.01(WW).
(WW) "Low-speed vehicle" means a three- or four-wheeled motor vehicle with an attainable speed in one mile on a paved level surface of more than twenty miles per hour but not more than twenty-five miles per hour and with a gross vehicle weight rating less than three thousand pounds.
(c) "Utility vehicle" is a vehicle as that term is defined under Ohio R.C. 4501.01(VV).
(VV) "Utility vehicle" means a self-propelled vehicle designed with a bed, principally for the purpose of transporting material or cargo in connection with construction, agricultural, forestry, grounds maintenance, lawn and garden, materials handling, or similar activities.
(d) "Regulated Vehicle" shall mean any Under-speed, Low-speed, or Utility Vehicle regulated under this Chapter.
(a) No person shall operate a Regulated Vehicle on the streets within the Village unless it has been inspected and approved by the Chief of Police, or his designee, for compliance with the applicable safety/equipment requirements of the State of Ohio relative to motor vehicles, including headlights, brakes, brake lights, tail lights, turn signals, horn, rearview mirror, windshield, and street appropriate tires. The Terrace Park Police Department shall conduct the inspection at the residence of the owner of the Regulated Vehicle.
(b) If the Chief of Police, or his designee, determines that the Regulated Vehicle complies with the State of Ohio's applicable statutory requirements, the Chief of Police shall issue the owner or operator a certificate of compliance entitling the owner or operator to operate the Regulated Vehicle on certain streets within the Village. The owner or operator shall also show the Chief of Police or designee proof of liability insurance for the Regulated Vehicle before a certificate of compliance is issued. The Chief of Police shall keep a copy of each certificate issued pursuant to this section. The owner or operator of the Regulated Vehicle shall keep a copy of any certificate issued pursuant to this section inside the Regulated Vehicle to which it pertains. The Chief of Police shall issue a sticker or other similar device to the owner of each Regulated Vehicle once it is inspected. The sticker shall signify compliance with this section. The owner of each Regulated Vehicle shall display the sticker in a conspicuous place on the rear of the Regulated Vehicle.
(c) The owner of a Regulated Vehicle shall also comply with all requirements of Ohio law regarding proper title, registration and license plates prior to operating the Regulated Vehicle on any street within the Village. Compliance with this section shall be in addition to, rather than in lieu of, any applicable provisions of State law relative to the operation of motor vehicles.
(a) No Regulated Vehicle shall be permitted to travel on any Village street where the speed limit is greater than 25 mph. Such Regulated Vehicles shall be permitted to cross intersections with higher speeds, so long as they remain on a street that has a speed limit of 25 mph or less.
Notwithstanding such limitations, Regulated Vehicles shall be permitted to travel not further than the nearest through street in a 35 MPH zone.
(b) The operator of a Regulated Vehicle must be at least 16 years of age and have a valid driver's license.
(c) Regulated Vehicles must be operated in accord with all State of Ohio traffic laws in addition to all applicable sections of the Terrace Park Codified Ordinances.
77.99 PENALTY.
(a) Whoever violates this chapter is guilty of a minor misdemeanor on a first offense; on a second offense within one year after the first offense, the person is guilty of a misdemeanor of the fourth degree; and each subsequent offense within one year after the first offense, the person is guilty of a misdemeanor of the third degree.