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Frequently Asked Questions

What is CodeRed?

CodeRED is a high-speed emergency notification service by which Village Officials and TPPD can notify residents and businesses by email, text, telephone or cellular phone about emergency situations. The system is capable of sending messages only to specific blocks or the entire community.


The CodeRED emergency telephone alert system is an additional measure of safety the Village believes is important to protect the community. If electric power is interrupted, you may not be able to depend upon radio and TV. Even if you have power, CodeRED will probably be able to reach you with important information faster than TV and radio stations.  


The system is geographically based, meaning that street addresses can be used to select specific areas for notifications in a given situation. The system works with both landline and mobile telephones, but a street address is required in either case.

The Police can activate the system in many instances, including notification for missing children/elderly persons, and other critical situations. It can even be used to canvass areas of the Village where a recent crime has occurred.  For example, Residents will receive a message regarding a recent burglary on their block and be asked to contact the Police if they have any information that may assist in the investigation. Emergency Services can utilize the system in situations when residents may need to "shelter-in-place" or evacuate their homes, due to hazardous materials released or other biological threats.

The Village of Terrace Park has imported phone numbers from across the community data bases. However, to be certain we have the most current information, we urge you to formally register for the service by visiting and click the CodeRED button. You can enter additional phone numbers, such as a cell phone to be sure you are informed, wherever you are.  You can opt to get phone calls and/or texts on your cell phone. The system is designed to eliminate duplicate phone numbers, so you will receive only one call at each phone number registered. When you submit the information, the numbers are immediately updated in the CodeRED database and you are ready to receive emergency messages. This information will be kept private and will not be shared or sold.

I received a CodeRED call, does that mean I am in the CodeRED database? 

Yes, for that phone number.  If you would like to receive calls on additional or different phone numbers, by text or by email, visit and click on the CodeRED logo.  CodeRED always de-duplicates by phone number, so if you are unsure if you are registered, you should just submit your information again.  This will ensure you are in the database!

Is my personal information protected? 
CodeRED is a service of Emergency Communications Network which takes security and privacy concerns very seriously.  They will not sell, trace, lease or loan any citizen supplied data to third parties.


Does this mean that I will be called constantly?

No. CodeRED will be used when urgent situations arise that you should know about.   In addition you can opt to just receive emergency notifications, in which case you would not receive calls about things like street closure for paving or tree removal.


For what kinds of situations will CodeRED be used?

Dangerous weather situations, substantial utility outage, evacuation notices, missing or lost persons, fires or floods, major roadway issues, significant criminal situations, chemical spills or gas leaks. In short, CodeRED can be used for any emergency alert.  It can also be used in non-emergent but important situations like street closures for paving or tree removal.


Why do I need CodeRED when I have the TV and TPList  to keep me informed?

CodeRED provides an additional level of safety. If power goes out, you may not be able to depend upon TV/TPList. However, because most people now have cell phones, we can continue to keep you informed through messages delivered by CodeRED.

How do I know if my phone number is included in the CodeRED service?

All known residential and business phone numbers are included in the CodeRED service, however, not your cell phone or email.  You should not assume that your telephone number is automatically included, especially if you do not maintain a landline, have an unlisted telephone number, or rely primarily on a mobile telephone. If your phone number is not in the database, you will not be called. The CodeRED system not only offers faster calling rates and improved message delivery, it gives individuals and businesses the ability to add their own phone numbers directly to the system’s telephone database. This is an extremely important feature. No one should automatically assume his or her phone number is included. This system is only as good as the telephone database supporting them.  You should visit and click on the CodeRED button.


If you do not have access to the internet at home, please call the village office or fill out the “Residential Data Collection” form at the village office. On-line registration is the most efficient, accurate and private way to supply your information. You can also create a log in so that you can update your information any time.

Is there a cost for enrolling in CodeRED?
There is no cost to enroll in the CodeRED Emergency Alert System. It is one of the many benefits of living or doing business in the Village of Terrace Park.

Can I register more than one telephone number?
Yes, you can register both a landline telephone number and/or a mobile telephone number by accessing the registration site.  In fact you can register all the cell phones in your house to one record. In any case, you will need to provide the Terrace Park address with which the telephone number is associated.
What if I only live here part time?  What if I go away for a month or more? 

You can call the Village Office and ask to deactivate any or all of your contact information.  Give the dates you will be away or call the village office upon your return and your notification can be turned back on.   You can also choose to stay active/connected so you will continue to be contacted about emergency situations while you are away.

What if I want to OPT OUT of all CodeRED notifications?
If you are registered and would like to OPT OUT of the CodeRED system totally, you must call the Village Office and submit your request.

What other communities use CodeRED?
Examples of local communities using CodeRED include Indian Hill, Monroe, Middletown, Springdale, Blue Ash, Forest Park, Springfield Township and Sharonville, to name a few.

Can TTY/TDD (Telecommunications Device for the Deaf) equipment receive CodeRED notifications?
Yes. When you register your telephone number there is an option to enter the TTY/TDD information.

What if I’m not home to receive the alert message? 
The CodeRED dialing system will leave emergency alert messages on your voicemail or your answering machine. If you do not have voicemail or an answering machine, or if your voicemail is full, CodeRED will dial your telephone number a total of three times.  You can also receive calls, texts or both on your cell phone, as well as enter an email address to be alerted.

To ensure that your phone number is registered or to provide additional numbers, please submit your contact information. If you have difficulty entering your information through the website, please contact the Village Office for assistance 513-831-2138 Monday – Friday 10:30 – 2:30. There is no fee for the service or for adding additional phone numbers.


How will I know that it’s CodeRED/the Village calling me?

Enter these numbers in your cell phone for caller ID purposes.  In order to identify an emergency phone call notification versus a general phone call notification, you can label each number as follows:

Emergency: 1-866-419-5000
General: 1-855-969-4636


What if I miss the message?
In some instances, you may miss the entirety of the message. You are able to call the phone number back and the message will be replayed to you for up to 24 hours.

Do I need CodeRED Mobile Alert App for it to work on my cell phone?

No.  If your number is subscribed through the database, you will receive notifications.  However, if you download the CodeRED Mobile Alert App, you will also be able to receive alerts via your smartphone anywhere in the country, including Hawaii, Puerto Rico and Alaska.  As you travel to other communities that also use the CodeRED service, and there is an active warning that affects your current location, the app will notify you.


What kind of alerts will I receive and how will I receive them? 
a. Emergency Notifications are evacuation orders, extreme danger alerts, and other life threatening events.
b. General Notifications are non-emergency notifications such as road closures, boil orders and missing child or elderly alerts, etc. for your area.

Do I have to sign up for general alerts? 
No, general alerts are optional.

Do I have to have a computer to sign up? 
No, you may sign up by calling 513-831-2138 (Monday – Friday 10:30 – 2:30), or in person at the Village Office. 

What happens if I don’t hear the phone ring, will I get a voice mail? 
a. CodeRED will leave a voicemail. 
b. If you have caller ID, you will see a call back number. Return the call and you will hear the message notification. 


If I change my mind and don’t want to receive some alerts can I remove them? 
Yes, if you create an account, you can log in and change your options.  Otherwise you can call the Village Office to change your settings.

If I don’t have an e-mail and I use someone else’s, will the alert be for their area or mine? 
Alerts are based on the physical location address that you enter in the system. 

Why did CodeRED call me several times? 

If there is no answer and no answering machine, the number will be called up to 3 times.


Why did CodeRed call me but no message played? 

If you answer and do not say “hello” (or something) CodeRED will not play the message automatically.  It is trying to determine if it has reached a live person or an answering device.  If you do not say anything, it will hang up and retry the number in the next pass of non-connected numbers.


Why did it leave only part of the message on my answering machine? 

CodeRED will leave a message on an answering device.  There are many different brands and types of capturing devices for leaving a message.  Occasionally something about the answering device or the beep causes the system to think it has reached a live person and beings playing the message.  When the message is left, it only leaves part of the message.  You can call back the 866-419-5000 and receive the entire message.


Can I arrange to have CodeRED call my place of business? 

Yes, click the CodeRED link at  On the Data Collection page, click the button labeled “Business” and fill in the required information.  Please note that emergency calls can only be delivered to direct dial numbers.  Automated attendants will disrupt the process and calls will not be delivered.

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