Terrace Par k

Emergency Medical Services
Terrace Park has one of the few all-volunteer life squads in the area. This tradition has a long history in Terrace Park and continues to be a source of pride for our residents. If you would like to be a part of an amazing organization, please let us know. There are new training classes every year in the fall, and new members are always welcome.
Contact: John Maggard, EMS Chief: (513) 608-0733
Mailing Address:
Terrace Park Emergency Medical Services
428 Elm Avenue, Terrace Park, Ohio, 45174
Training is free to Terrace Park residents and is held right here in the Terrace Park Emergency Services Building. The training course qualifies you as a certified EMT (Emergency Medical Technician) in the State of Ohio.
The Village contracts with Great Oaks to provide all the materials and instruction at no charge to volunteers who are residents. All the training takes place at the Terrace Park Emergency Services Building. Classes start in the fall and meet twice a week on mutually agreed upon evenings, usually from 6pm until 10 pm. The entire course lasts around six months, following public school schedules.
There are lectures, films and hands-on practice and at the end, you get to ride along on ambulance runs with one of our partners, usually Miami Township, and do observations in one of the area hospital emergency departments.
The course is challenging, but not boring! When you graduate you will be both an Ohio and National Registry Certified EMT!
After you graduate, you will be state certified for three years. There are continuing education classes offered in Terrace Park that allow you to keep your certification as long as you wish. The only requirement is that you volunteer for at least the length of your initial certification – three years.
In addition, trainees will be introduced to TPEMS protocols and procedures such as ambulance driving, inventory and radio operation.
Training and practice sessions are held at the station on a regular basis. Members can practice their skills, keep up with the latest advances in care, and receive education credit necessary for state re-certification every three years.
To help keep members at their best, all are eligible for a free membership in the Milford Athletic Club.
Volunteers must be 18 years old, have a high school diploma or equivalent, and possess an Ohio drivers license and a good driving record. Volunteers must be willing to dedicate some time and energy to both the initial training and as team members. There is no upper age limit – retirees make great volunteers!
You don’t have to be a resident of Terrace Park. Non residents EMT’s are welcome as long as they can get to the station quickly.
Applications are available to download in PDF Format or by contacting John Maggard at (513) 608-0733.
Completed and signed applications may be dropped off in the EMS mailbox in the entrance of the Village Office
Frequently Asked Questions
Will I have to stay or sleep at the Fire Station when I’m on duty?
No. You may go about your daily routines at home or in Terrace Park, as long as you’re within five minutes or so of getting to the station and ambulance. You will be issued a pager to notify you of squad runs.
I have no medical training or background…
Most of us entered this field with little or no medical training…our main objective is to stabilize a patient and get them to the hospital. This requires training for emergency procedures, but far short of a typical medical degree.
I don’t like blood or seeing people hurt…
This is a natural reaction shared by everyone. Through the training you’ll receive, you’ll learn that once you know how to deal with all sorts of emergencies and truly be able to help, your training will take over and enable you to be the one to make a difference – possibly even save a life.
How can I find enough time in my day or night to do this?
We will work your duty schedule around whatever time you can spare. The more members we have, the easier it is to split up a week’s worth of coverage.
Can I afford the cost of training?
Yes – there is NO cost! We provide free training in EMS, CPR, uniforms, books and other materials and hold the training sessions in our fire station – very convenient. Additionally, Fire and EMS members receive free membership at the Miami Athletic Club in Milford.
Can’t I just write a check and have someone else do this?
While donations are always welcome, that’s not what we need to provide this critical service; we need people just like you to volunteer and keep it going. If we ever lose these services from lack of members from this community, it will not return…there will be fire and EMS coverage but it will likely come from a neighboring community at enormous cost, and greatly increase response times – a lose-lose proposition from a cost and safety standpoint.
I take long vacations in the summer.
Our scheduler prepares a monthly schedule following input from you, and members are usually willing to trade shifts with each other.
What if I have a conflict on short notice?
Members stay in touch through phone calls and e-mail and someone is always willing to step up and help when something unexpected happens.
I’ve been out of school too long and I’ve heard the training is really tough.
Although there is a lot to learn, the instructors make the class interesting and fun with their input from real world situations. There are quizzes and exams and skills to learn, but everyone’s goal is to help you to graduate. The instructors provide a lot of support and encouragement.
I’m not very strong…will I have to lift heavy patients into the ambulance?
Not a problem – the Police, EMS and Fire departments work very closely together and extra lifting assistance is only a radio call away when needed. You do not have to be big or strong. Your trained mind is needed more than your lifting ability.
What if there is a serious or complicated emergency?
We have a mutual aid agreement with the paramedics from Miami Township who always arrive quickly for the kinds of calls that need more expert attention.
How often are calls to EMS made?
There are about 10 runs a month.